Plan well to have a stress-free retirement, principal tips colleagues

Nyaguta Secondary School principal Okeyo Ondari has urged school heads to plan adequately for their retirement in advance.

As he awaits retirement this year, he asked principals to be mindful of their finances and cultivate a culture of saving.

Retiring comfortably at age 60, the former principal said that it is important for one to have a solid financial understanding of their expenses.

Speaking to Education News in his office, Ondari who is also a church elder noted that after 11 years of waking up very early and teaching, he was contented with the work he had done and was still strong enough to take on other activities with ease.

Having already dealt with his children’s education, he said that he was now concentrating on seeking peace of mind, pursuing his passion and spending time with loved ones.

Ondari, however, said that he will continue to assist vulnerable students by paying their school fees, terming them as his own children.

He also urged the school heads to provide assistance to needy students and to assist the neighbouring communities whenever need arises.

By Stephen Maranga

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