Youth urged to enroll in technical institutes

By Felix Wanderi 

Lari Deputy County Commissioner Agnes Karoki has called upon youths who finished school and are idly sitting at home to enroll in technical institutes so as to fulfill the growing demand for technical jobs.

Speaking at Kimende High School during the graduation of 800 youths from Premier Professional Institute, Karoki said that the government had set aside capitation fees for every student so as to subsidize the amount of fees they pay.

‘Parents should assist the government in eradicating poverty and idleness in the society by encouraging their children to join technical institutes to acquire skills that will help them earn a living,’ said Karoki.

She said that there are many jobs that require professional technical skills and once the youths attain the skills required, they will get employment in both the national and county government projects.

‘The government had to change the education system from 8-4-4 to the current Competency Based Curriculum so that school going children can realize their talents early.’ she said.

Lari Member of Parliament Jonah Mburu said the youths were sponsored by his CDF office to take certificate courses at Premier Professional Institute.

He said some of the courses offered at the institution include plumbing, electrical engineering, hairdressing and beauty, bakery and catering.

‘We started by training 200 youth including 100 boda boda riders. This is the third graduation since my office started the initiative,’ he said.

He urged the youth to keep upgrading and seeking further studies and not to stop at the certificate level.

 “The most important thing is that one can do a diploma and eventually do a degree. We will assist those who want to further their studies by offering them bursaries.” the MP said.

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