TSC plans to rehabilitate Embu drunk teachers

By Kamundia Muriithi

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Embu County has asked school heads to forward names of teachers addicted to alcohol and drugs so that they can undergo counselling through the Commission’s wellness programme.
TSC Director Janet Onyango said they are collecting data on affected teachers in a bid to rehabilitate them.
She revealed tens of teachers were suffering from the addictions, which was affecting service delivery and quality of education.
Addressing school heads at Kangaru School, Ms Onyango said many teachers were abdicating duty at end month, only to resume when they had exhausted their salaries.
She said the habit had caused bad blood between some teachers and their immediate supervisors, and posed threat to students they were supposed to take care of.
“We got wind of the information and when we made a follow up, we realized that they are deserting because once they get their salaries, they drink nonstop and many of them never remember to come back until the money is finished,” she said.
She said some addicted teachers even do drugs, adding that their behaviour is not normal.
“These teachers are sick, the moment you become addicted, you are sick. Let us talk to them and let them agree to go for a rehab. When they are in that state, they are not helping our children,” she said.
Though she did not give any figure, TSC had in 2004 taken six teachers suffering from severe drunkenness for rehabilitation at Mathare Hospital, while about 100 others were counselled at the divisional level.
Ms Onyango at the same time warned school principals against going out of their places of work for prolonged time, saying they would face disciplinary action.

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