The real reason behind KUPPET strike is the oppressive CPG

Teachers demonstrating along the streets of Kericho town. The bone of contention is the CPG that has pinned them down on one job group for ages.

As KUPPET NGC gears to convene to evaluate the progress of our ongoing industrial action, may it be clearly understood that any meaningful move by our reps at any negotiating table must be hinged on quashing the current retarded Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).

It is common sense that the reason why a huge junk of teachers are currently grossly underpaid is because they are rigidly tethered into draconian job groups in which they have to gnash their teeth for ages without any possibility of an upgrade.

It is common knowledge that the implementation of the CBA that the employer is currently boasting of is just a drop in the ocean for teachers rigidly banded in retrogressive grades where they are slapped with stagnation for years and tears.

Any plausible move towards any return to work formula must be informed by a robust demonstration of practical will by both the employer and our union to slay the menacing dragon of stagnation that has bedevilled teaching for decades.


TSC releases details of new teachers’ salaries in Phase 2 of 2021-2025 CBA

The real elephant in the room is obviously stagnation. A very radical overhaul of the current stagnated TSC Career Progression Guidelines would be the only panacea to the economic exploitation that Kenyan teachers are currently undergoing.

I passionately besiege our negotiating team to stay put and focus on this grave issue of murderous career progression guidelines of TSC, for this is the only way to streamline teaching once and for all.

The hurdles currently set for teachers to rise through the ranks are enslaving and unrealistic. To toil and moil for more than two decades just to become an acting deputy is simply murder.

The opportunity that we have captured through our current industrial action must whatsoever never be let go before this CPG debacle is reviewed and resolved.

Meanwhile I urge all my comrades to solidly remain strong in our struggle for emancipation.

By Peter K. Bett, Bomet KUPPET VC

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