Teenage girls in Tana River urged to open up on issues of sexuality

Tana River MP Amina Dika distributes sanitary towels to school girls in her constituency.

Teenage girls in Tana River have been urged to speak up about the issues of sexuality and early marriages as it threatens their lives and health and limits their future prospects.

This was said by Tana River Woman Representative Amina Dika who spoke at the Tana Delta Sub County Commissioner’s office during distribution of more than 100,000 sanitary pads to adolescent girls in 178 primary schools.

The move is aimed at keeping teenage girls in school and end absenteeism, which is rampant among girls during menstruation.

All the Tana River primary school girls will have enough sanitary pads for one year.

Dika advised teenage girls from the county to desist from engaging in early sexual activities or marriages, which could hinder their education.

“I am happy because we have received sanitary towels from the government. There have been delays as other counties received earlier and from here, we are going to Hola and then Bangale,” she said.

Tana Delta DCC John Kipsiwa said the pads were given by the government and should reach the real beneficiary.

Lawreen Mwende, a pupil at Minjila Primary, thanked the Woman Rep for supporting them with sanitary towels and assured her that their performance will go up as there would be no more cases of absenteeism.


Webuye East MP fetes schools in constituency for last year’s results

By Nehemiah Okwembah                                           

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