Teachers advised to save in Saccos for smooth retirement

By Hilton Mwabili

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has advised teachers to plan their lives early enough by investing in Saccos to avoid struggles in their sunset years.
Speaking during the 42nd Annual General Meeting of Mafanikio Sacco, Mombasa County TSC director Caroline Mwakisha  cautioned the teachers against the tendency of living lavishly forgetting about retirement.
Members of the Sacco listened with keen interest as the director guided them through a brief presentation on investment, step by step.
The director categorized her presentation into three steps focusing on age brackets 18-39 years, 40-45, and above 55 she emphasized on the importance of beginning to embrace culture of saving while young.
“Some teachers are fond of wasting their lives by indulging in alcohol and lavish lives. As teachers’ employer, we always find it important to offer support to teachers on these matters and that is why I am here today”, she said.

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