Teacher shortage bites county

By Kage Njoroge

Educational institutions in Murang’a County are facing an acute shortage of teachers which is hampering delivery of quality teaching and learning to the detriment of the learners.
According to the county’s TSC Director Jane Njagi, public primary and secondary schools are the worst hit by the shortage.
She said the county has a shortfall of 1, 521 teachers and lecturers currently.
The number is expected to increase before the end of the year, when another 276 teachers will retire from teaching service.
Speaking at Murang’a Teachers College, Njagi explained, the deficit is caused by normal retirement, resignation and natural attrition in recent years.
She pointed out that some 21 lecturers are required to serve at Murang’a Teachers Training College and Michuki Technical Training Institute, where some programmes have no tutors.

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