Teach children good moral values, cleric tells parents

Moral Values

The Religious leaders in Nyanza Region have urged parents to impart good moral values to their children which will guide strong character, aiding their prosperity.

Led by Bishop Martin Haleluyah of Jesus Believers Fellowship Ministry, the cleric said moral character is important to enable children to fit into the current society which has many challenges.

Haleluyah said many parents have neglected their role of showing their children the right ways to follow which can make them to be important people in the society.

“Children are gifts from God and they are like trees which should be taken care of. Parents should have adequate time with their children, show them the right thing to do so that they can be an all-round human beings with good characters to be embraced by everybody,” said Halleluyah.

The Cleric who was speaking in Kogelo-Nyang’oma in Siaya County during a seven-day Mass Crusade, which also included youths and children teachings, told the parents that well respected people in the society were as a result of good teachings by their parents.

The Bishop, who was flanked by Bishop Oyugi Othim, told parents that the society needs children with good characters.

The Clerics also told children to be respectful to their parents and teachers if they want to succeed in life.

“Children should respect their parents and follow all instructions from them especially during this April Holiday,” said the Cleric.

He said parents play a big role in paying school fees and other essential learning materials and they deserve respect.

The Cleric also urged parents to treat their children with dignity and ensure they create peace and love among them.

By Peter Otuoro

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