Siaya, NGO partner to donate playing equipment to 3 ECDE centres

playing equipment
Pupils in an ECDE center in West Uyoma get a taste of the donated play equipment.

The county government of Siaya, in partnership with Build Africa Kenya and Street Child, has donated playing equipment to Gagra, Chianda and Mirau Primary Schools in North Uyoma, Rarieda sub-county.

A representative for Build Africa Kenya and Street Child Belinda Adagi said that the partnership is aimed at supporting initiatives that enhance children’s growth through play.

Adagi said that they have been supporting Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) centres with teaching and learning materials in addition to capacity-building initiatives among teachers and rolling out a feeding programme at Mirau.

She added that they have a five year plan with the county and current proposals include setting up of more ECDE centers in the area.

“In this pilot project, we are providing equipment to six schools in Uyoma and Bondo constituency. We are done with Gagra, Chianda, Maranda, Nyamonye and Mirau,” she said.

The county CEC for Education Dr. Edgar Otumba said that the donated equipment will go a long way in supporting the growth of the pre-primary children.

“We have established that Gagra School has not received any support from the county for the past 6 years.  For that reason, I have directed the projects unit to prioritize it for renovation while the ECDE classes at Chianda Primary are allocated more equipment,” stated Otumba.

Otumba also commissioned Ksh4.4 million Mirau ECDE classes, a project that is 95 percent complete.

He disclosed that out of a budget of Ksh200 million, his docket will see that all ECDE classes in the county are properly equipped.

By Eric Nyayiera

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