Sh. 40 million allocated for needy students in Mbeere South


Sh4o Million has been allocated to the bursary kitty for needy students in Mbeere South Constituency in a bid to uplift the education standards.

According to the area MP Nebard Muriuki, already Sh14 million out of the total amount has been released.

Likewise, all schools in the Constituency will receive water tanks to ensure the availability of clean water to students and the community around the schools.

The MP pleaded with school Principals to be patient and avoid sending students home for school fees, especially the form four candidates who he said needed ample time for their national examinations.

In a speech read on his behalf by the Mbeere South Constituency office manager Ann Njagi, the MP said he had launched major campaigns to attract bursary funds from the government and private sectors for needy learners.

This was revealed during a mentorship clinic held at Ummaus Sports Grounds in the constituency.

Form four candidates who showed exemplary performance and discipline, Mr. Muriuki assured would be favored in bursary allocations as means of encouraging them to focus on achieving higher results.

While thanking the Embu County Professional Development Association (ECPDA) members for their growing number of mentorship programs across Embu County, the MP stressed the need for residents of the County to embrace and support professionals.

“Embu people must embrace professionals and support their efforts to mentor young people to first perform well in their education and then pursue notable careers”, said the MP who held that education remained the pillar in achieving professionalism.

“I have been working hard to attract funds to support various education projects right from bursaries to infrastructure and totally appreciate the role Embu professionals are playing in the promotion of education through mentorship programs”. said Mr. Muriuki.

The legislator said he was also keen to ensure that funds sent to schools were well managed for the benefit of the needy while adding that even at the parliamentary level he had continued to lobby for education budget increment.

The mentorship clinic which attracted more than 1200 from four candidates drawn from across the entire county is just one among the various such forums organized by the ECDA which brings up some of the most notable and successful professionals in the County.

Dr. John Oluoch from the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCS) reminded stakeholders in the County that the limited number of straight A’s meant limited distribution in the number of professionals in areas such as engineering.

By Robert Nyagah

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