School boy gets stuck while stealing at a steel shop 

By Agnes Orang’o

A boy aged between nine and twelve years was on Tuesday morning found stuck on the door of a steel shop in Tala market, Machakos county.

The little boy according to witnesses was attempting to steal metal rods from the shop at around 3am when astounding incident occurred.

His hand got stuck inside the lock hole as locals thronged the scene watching helplessly.

Curious onlookers gather around the steel shop

Some of the people noted that the boy could have had adult aid but was left alone when things went haywire.

“He could not have thought about this alone. I’m sure there are adults who were with him but escaped when things went wrong,” said a local.

According to locals, the boy is a class seven pupil at Kyamulendu Primary school.

It is not clear whether the boy got stuck due to the powers of darkness or not.

By the time of reporting the boy had not been rescued from the scene as everyone was waiting for the owner of the shop to come.

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