Retired teachers in Bomet up in arms over delayed pensions

Teachers' union officials addressing the press. Hundreds of retired teachers from Bomet county have expressed dissatisfaction over delayed pensions.

Hundreds of retired teachers from Bomet county have expressed dissatisfaction over delayed pensions amounting to Ksh16.7 billion.

The retirees observed that the delays have pushed them into poverty with some of them being unable to provide for their families.

Led by Joel Koskey and Elijah Misoi, they claimed that some of them have waited for the benefits for over 10 years without success.

“Some of us retired in 2013, but to date we have not received our send-off packages. Every time we come here, we are told the money is in process. Until when should we wait?” posed Koskei.

Speaking in Bomet town, they noted that their majority are sickly and cannot access treatment while others have even died before receiving the packages.

They faulted the government for neglecting them despite having contributed to the country’s economy, a situation they said is demoralizing.

“The government has a database for all employees. They know who is about to retire and who is still at work. Teachers have continued to be neglected despite having served the country with all commitment,” added the retirees.

They accused some Education officials of demanding bribes so as to speed up the process, urging EACC to intervene.

The pensioners threatened to stage demonstrations in the town if the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to release the Ksh16.7 billion they are owed as ruled by the High Court a few weeks ago.

By Kimutai Lang’at

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