CBC will achieve nothing without well trained, motivated teachers, union tells Govt

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has urged the government to create an effective and efficient education system through timely and sufficient investment in the sector to foster proper curriculum implementation.

Speaking during the recent Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Conference in Mombasa, the union Secretary General Akelo Misori stated that KUPPET has emphasized on the need of having a well-trained and motivated teaching workforce, adding that teachers’ well-being is critical to the performance of the education system.

“To be effective, teachers must work without fearing where their family’s next meals will come from. Teacher’s well-being encompasses not only economic rights like food, shelter and housing but also intellectual freedoms and mental health,” said Misori.

Misori assured teachers that the union will win a new salary package this year as they start to re-negotiate the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) saying that they previously contended with a non-monetary CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement), denying them proper housing and medical care.

According to him, the government must invest in continuous professional development of teachers to help them enhance their teaching skills, knowledge of pedagogical approaches and familiarity with the latest research and best practices, stating that as a union they have fought for public funding of the TPD programme.

“Continuous professional development and realigning teacher training curriculum to the new CBC is imperative for improving teaching methodologies and adaptation of new pedagogical approaches,” he said.

Misori further said that the union advocates for increased integration of technology in education to enhance teaching and learning processes, adding that technologies like digital resources, online learning platforms, interactive multimedia tools and educational apps should be mainstreamed into the school system.

The union also advocates for a multi-stakeholder approach in policy-making, sensitization and implementation with Misori stating that they support more involvement by parents, community organizations and businesses to provide additional opportunities for students.

He added that KUPPET supports innovation and educational research initiatives, innovative teaching practices, and encourage educators to experiment with new methodologies; through promoting collaboration among educators, researchers and policymakers in sharing knowledge and best practices.

“Effectiveness of an education system is anchored on the ability of the system to achieve its intended outcomes and goals. It is measured by assessing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that students acquire through the educational process,” said Misori.

Misori demanded the implementation of a robust data collection and analysis on all relevant education indicators including student performance, teacher effectiveness and school climate to inform decision-making at all levels of education.

In addition, the union has further demanded for optimal resource allocation, taking into account class sizes, teacher-student ratios, infrastructure needs, and equitable distribution of resources across schools and regions.

Earlier in May this year, both KUPPET and KNUT separately held initial talks with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to include a monetary component in their June 2021 CBA.

However, President Ruto on June 30 during the launch of the Unified Payment Method for government workers directed the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to revise upward salaries for civil servants including teachers by between 7 and 10 percent effective July 1, 2023.

By Roy Hezron

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