Parents boss backs establishment of education reform taskforce

By Wasike Elvis

National Parents Association (NPA) chairperson Nicholas Maiyo has welcomed the move by President William Ruto to establish an education reform taskforce to review the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Maiyo said the taskforce will assist parents to review what had happened since the inception of CBC and what CBC should do.

He called on the president to ensure the taskforce consists of education stakeholders like union representatives and parents representatives who know where the shoes pinch most.

He argued some teachers have made CBC look bad since they are used to the 8-4-4 system which wasn’t practical oriented.

“Some teachers make CBC look unrealistic yet the principle of CBC is to use the available resources and not expensive resources,” he said.

He added that parents and teachers  need clear  guidelines on how CBC should be done and that the teachers should be trained for months and not days.

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