KUPPET Nyandarua asks TSC to review, increase interns’ salaries

KUPPET teachers TSC
KUPPET Nyandarua Executive Secretary Julius Macharia

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been asked to review and increase interns’ salaries to be commensurate with the current economic status of the country.

KUPPET Nyandarua Executive Secretary Julius Macharia said that the intern teachers are also suffering economically and thus cannot perform their duties as required.

Speaking exclusively to Education News, Macharia regretted that the interns receive a meagre stipend of Ksh20,000 with neither commuter allowance nor medical allowance, but ironically they are subject to all statutory deductions including the new Housing levy.

He noted that their take-home salary cannot sustain them despite spending the whole day at school.

The Unionist urged TSC to review the salaries to enable the interns to work efficiently.

Macharia said that the interns are also teachers who deserve good remuneration to enable them to perform their duties effectively and also cater to their personal bills and responsibilities.

His call comes two days after KUPPET Vihiga branch Executive Secretary Sabala Inyeni decried discrimination of the interns after their salaries were not increased in the recent teachers’ salary pay rise.

Speaking during an interview in Kilifi, he said that it was unfair to the intern teachers and urged TSC to review the salaries.

By Peter Otuoro

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>>> Vihiga KUPPET asks Govt to increase interns’ salaries

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