Nyamira professionals rally behind the choice of new varsity site

Prof. Mike Kuria, Commission for University Education CEO.

The Nyamira County Professional Association has backed the establishment of Nyamira State University at Kiabonyoru Secondary School due to a conducive environment and the presence of enough land for expansion.

Led by Dr. Jeriah Moraa, they asked critics opposed to the development to instead support the decision and assist in laying down the best strategies on how the university will benefit residents once it is completed.

She cited West Mugirango MP Steve Mogaka proposed that the institution be established at Senator John Kebaso Secondary school due to its closeness to Nyamira town and presence of adequate water, security, health facilities and a good road network.

The professionals welcomed the establishment of the university and thanked the government for availing Ksh500 million towards the laying of the foundation.

Their remarks came 3 days after the Commission for University Education (CUE) visited the area for a physical inspection.

The Commission CEO Mike Kuria said that Kiabonyoru Secondary School will phased our gradually to pave way for the establishment of the varsity.

North Mugirango MP Joash Nyamoko asked the residents to welcome the university because it will open the area in terms of investment and employment opportunities.

Nyamoko encouraged Form 4 candidates to work hard to secure a spot at the university as it intends to admit the first cohort of students next year.

By Enock Okong’o

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