New guidelines on hiring BOMs

By Staff Reporter

Parents and guardians serving in Boards of Management (BOMs) and Parents Associations (PAs) but whose children have since exited school have been ordered to vacate the positions they hold.
The Principal Secretary for Education – State Department of Basic Education and Early Learning, Dr Belio Kipsang (pictured) has ordered County Directors of Education to revoke all appointments, elections or secondments of parents serving in BOMs and PAs yet their children have completed studies in schools in which they (parents) are officials.
The Principal Secretary says membership to the Parents Association is provided for in Section 55(2) of the Basic Education Act (2013). The Third Schedule of the Act further provides that membership is for every parent/guardian with a child in the school.
In a letter (MOE.DSEC/5/5) dated January 26th, 2018 addressed to County Directors of Education, the PS states: “Membership ceases upon exit of the pupil or student from the school. Consequently, those holding offices by virtue of being parents will have their terms ending upon exit of their children.
“It is therefore in breach of the Act for anyone to continue holding office long after ceasing being a parent in that particular school.
“Any appointment to the BOMs will therefore stand revoked, and the Parent Associations are requested to nominate new officials for appointment into the Boards of Management of the institutions.
“By a copy of this letter, all County Directors of Education are instructed to ensure proper membership of the Parents Association in all schools.”
In 2016, Dr Belio issued a circular (MoE.GEN/321/27/16) instructing Kenya National Association of Parents (KNAP) to organize, conduct and over-sight about 40,000 Parent Associations across the country as the ministry prepared to appoint new BOMs after the expiry of terms of office of the outgoing Boards. At the time, the PS revoked elections of PA officials conducted under the supervision of Head teachers and Principals, and also withdrew operational guidelines for Parents Associations in both secondary and primary schools, and the operational manual for BOMs was also revoked.
Belio’s circular stated in part: “The High Court in Nairobi gave temporary orders restraining the ministry from interfering with the right to conduct and supervise elections of Parents Associations right from the school level, Sub-county, County and the National office pending hearing and determination of the petition.
“This is to inform you that our earlier instructions relating to operational guidelines for PA in primary and secondary schools, and the operational manuals for BOMs are hereby revoked forthwith and the elections undertaken under the said guidelines nullified.
“In view of the above, the Kenya National Association of Parents is free to conduct and supervise elections of school Parents Associations in line with their constitution. Kindly corporate with the leadership of the association to ensure smooth conclusion of this exercise, taking care not to disrupt learning in the institutions.”
The circular was addressed to County Directors of Education, Sub-county Directors of Education, Principals, Head teachers and Chairpersons – County Education Boards.

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