MCA urges Yatta MP to open Matuu KMTC

Fully completed Matuu KMTC. Photo: Agnes Orango

Matuu Ward Member of County Assembly Judas Mbili Ndawa, has called on Yatta MP, Robert Basil, to expedite the opening of the Matuu Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC).

During a series of meetings across his ward, Ndawa expressed frustration over the facility’s prolonged inactivity despite its completion several years ago.

Ndawa recounted how the community led by him had initially proposed the construction of the KMTC, seeing it as a vital asset for local healthcare training and services.

However, years after its completion, the college remains unused, failing to provide the anticipated benefits to the community.

In his addresses, Ndawa highlighted the negative consequences of the facility’s idleness noting that the building has suffered from vandalism and neglect, with parts of it starting to deteriorate.

Matuu MCA wants the KMTC to be officially opened

“It’s disheartening to see the institution rotting away instead of serving its purpose. Our children could be enrolling making business boom for local businesspeople. We didn’t lobby for a project to rot away without any use,” he said.


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The MCA stressed that the responsibility now lies with MP Basil to allocate the necessary funds and resources to make the institution operational.

He pointed out that previous MPs had managed to secure funding for the project and ensured their successful construction.

“The current MP has the capability to ensure the institution is up and running, just as his predecessors did,” Ndawa stated.

Ndawa’s appeal reflects the growing concern among residents who had high hopes for the KMTC. The community envisioned it as a centre that would not only enhance local healthcare services but also provide education and training opportunities for young people aspiring to join the medical field.

By Agnes Orang’o

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