KUTVET: We are better off under PSC


By Azael Masese

The transfer of tutors in technical training institutions from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to the Public Service Commission (PSC) is unstoppable.

Kenya Union of Technical and Vocational Education Trainers (KUTVET) Secretary General Kepher Oguwi said reversing the transition will be bad news for the trainers.

The Labour Court in Nairobi quashed the decision to transfer some 4,000 teachers from the TSC payroll to PSC

Justice Nelson Aboudha ruled that TSC is the only mandated employer of teachers and cannot transfer its mandate to any other institution.

The shift was effected in July 1 last year under a new scheme hinged on competency-based training.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education (KUPPET) contested the decision in court and the ruling favoured the union.

Oguwi noted that the move to PSC was promising to trainers as they it allowed them enjoy a comprehensive medical cover under the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) and added allowances.

He said career progression for the trainers was also assured stating that under the old regime, some trainers had been in one job group for more than 15 years.

“Taking us back to TSC is not good for the country as the government seeks to make technical training top of its key agenda,” he stated.

The decision to quash the transfer comes barely a week after PSC advertised for positions of trainers in technical training institutions across the country. It announced a plan to recruit 1,000 trainers in 144 technical institutions.

Oguwi regretted that KUPPET was only after the members’ monthly subscription and least bothered with their welfare.

“Going back to TSC is similar to going back to Misri since we foresee good things coming on our side,” a trainer at Kisii National Polytechnic stated.

He warned that in case they are coerced to go back to TSC, it will create disturbance and some of them will think of other alternatives such as quitting the service.

TIVET Act 2013 proposed their transfer as a legal recommendation to enhance the country’s achievement of Vision 2030.

“Trainers in technical institutions are not KUPPET and the union should focus on secondary school teachers who have promotion issues,” he said.


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