KUPPET top officials rubbish Senate petition on retirement age


The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) leadership has trashed a petition by Elias Masika, a member, that may force a majority of the Union leadership to retire.

Masika said that some Union officials are past the mandatory retirement age and ought not to hold any position, adding that the KUPPET retirement age of 65 years is unconstitutional.

The sticky point for Masika is whether union executives at the national and branch levels should be allowed to continue serving in their positions after reaching the obligatory retirement age.

According to him, KUPPET is a union of active teachers and does not include retired teachers, those who have switched employers, been promoted, or been elected to positions in which they are no longer employed.

Contrarily, he noted that the bulk of the teachers’ representatives, both at the national and branch levels, are retirees.

Masika said that the deregistered KUPPET leaders are obliged to relinquish union posts and their positions filled by other current serving and eligible members through an election.

He cited Section 12(b) of the union constitution, which stipulates that union officials must retire at the age of 65.

He argued that the age is unfair, illegal, discriminatory, and mocking of teachers who are still working, and he questions how a retired official can effectively assist a teacher who is still working.

Masika requested that KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori furnish the Senate with the ages of all elected KUPPET officials and the dates of their retirement.

He further noted that since the union officials are part of the larger national governance structure, they should not act independently by disobeying the mandatory retirement age and the PSC (Public Service Commission) Act of 2017.

Misori said the case does not hold water, adding that Masika should make an effort to go through the Union constitution and acquaint himself with the requirements of becoming a union official.

Misori said that only the High Court has the mandate to handle any grievances affecting the Union.
He added that according to law, any individual who has practiced as a teacher is eligible to lead KUPPET in any capacity.

By Fredrick Odiero

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