Kisii professionals call for CBC abolishment, terms it ‘unsuitable’

By Enock Okong’o

A section of professionals from Kisii County have appealed to the incoming government to abolish the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) because it is unsuitable for the country.

They said that it deprives the learners of the joy of traditional learning and the demotivated learners end up performing below par.

Led by their Chairman Prof. Peter Choti during their annual meeting on Saturday, the professionals observed that implementation of the system was costly to the parents who had other obligations to fulfill for their families.

“The system strains parents and leaves them with worries and contempt for education instead of loving it,” claimed the Professor.

Quoting the former President Mwai Kibaki who sought for reduction of the classroom learning load to enable the child to play, Prof. Choti said that the CBC does not allow the child to grow naturally because of its extra involvement.

The scholar blamed those who championed the introduction of the system in the country for not involving all stakeholders in public participation.

Saying that it is only a few countries in the world that use the system, he wondered why the country was hurrying its implementation instead of developing it systematically.

“CBC was introduced to please the politics of the day and it should be discontinued or reviewed in this new political dispensation,” he said.

The Professor then asked the incoming president to set an independent commission to review the curriculum before it is fully implemented in the country.

In the review, he recommended the pace, the availability of resources and the country’s technological needs to be put into account before rejection or acceptance of the system.

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