Kirinyaga Kuppet officials go unopposed

By Roy Hezron

All Kirinyaga Branch Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) officials retained their seats in elections held last month in Kutus town.

Among those re-elected were Njogu Mbui (Executive Secretary) who has held the position since 2006.

Others were Kinyua Mwai (Chairman), Samuel Mwangi (Treasurer), Zablon Muchiri (Assistant Secretary), Muchiri Kamau (Vice Chairman) and Catherine Muchiri (Assistant Treasurer).

Also re-elected were Rosalind Gachoki (Secretary for Gender), Virginia Murage (Secretary for Secondary), Gakono Nyaga  (Secretary for Tertiary) and Mathew Njue (Organizing Secretary).

The peaceful elections were presided over by the area Labour Officer Peter Mutema, while KUPPET National Treasurer Njenga Mwethi was at the venue as an observer.

The branch will now send 10 delegates to take part in the elections of the National Executive Board.

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