Kapsabet Boys teacher and student perish in grisly accident in Baringo

Kapsabet High School bus rolled and killed a teacher and his student on the Kabarnet-Marigat road earlier today.

A teacher and his students died in a road accident that happened on the winding Kabarnet-Marigat road as the bus they were travelling in lost control and rolled at Patkawanin area.

Confirming the incident, area County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa said the Kapsabet Boys school bus was ferrying students to Lake Bogoria for a Geography tour when the accident happened.

The county boss said the bus rolled several times before landing in a ditch as the driver tried to negotiate one of the sharp corners that characterize the road.

The road has many short sharp bends connecting the valley and the Tuget Hills, beginning at Kituro 10 kilometres from Kabarnet town and ending on the foot of the hills at Patkawanin.

Tragically, the accident happened when the road was beginning to stretch out into the flat valley.

Kutwa said the other 61 passengers aboard the ill-fated bus were rushed to Baringo County Referral Hospital for specialized treatment.


Tragedy avoided on black spot by clever driver with 38 students, 10 teachers on board

By Alfred Kimosop

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