Kaelo TVC pioneer candidates post sterling performance

By John Majau

Pioneer candidates at Kaelo Technical and Vocational College have posted sterling performance in their final national examination this year.

The institution, a TVET centre will soon become an institution to reckon with in the region as far as technical training and skill impartation is concerned.

The institution which was established in 2019 in Igembe North constituency in Meru County had 15 candidates who sat this year’s KNEC exams which took place in August.

The college Principal, Mr Benjamin Ncebere said out of the 15 candidates only one candidate didn’t make it meaning 90 percent of the candidates passed the examination.

“We had 15 candidates in the August KNEC examination. Over 90 percent of them passed well. Only one candidate failed due to panic and anxiety which caused him not to follow instructions,” said the Principal.

He added that the institution has a state-of-the-art workshop where they offer Mechanical Engineering (Production Option).

He said the government fully provided them with modern machinery for the Mechanical Engineering course.

“With such a course the college is set to become an industry by producing different spare parts. Such a course is only offered in Chuka and Nyeri and I urge students to take advantage of it by enrolling in this college,” he said

He also said the institution offers ICT of which due to Covid 19 restrictions, they can only take a class of 20 students at a time.

Ncebere requested the government to build for them more blocks and lecture halls in order to cater for the rising number of students.

He said the current students population stands at slightly over 400 and is expected to rise to over 1000 students next year.

“In 2019 the Kenya Universities and College Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) gave us 192 students. Only two turned up. In 2020 KUCCPS gave us 204 students. Only four reported to the institution.

Some KUCCPS students requested us to allow them to be transferred to other institutions. Due to lack of hostels in the college some students are a bit uncomfortable,” said Ncebere.

He also appealed to the government to ensure students within the locality are posted because it will be easier for them.

He said they have students from as far as Coast and Ukambani regions.

Ncebere lauded the area MP. Hon. Maoka Maore who he said has sponsored more than 100 students, noting that they have very cordial relationship with all leaders.

Ncebere said in a bid to increase enrollment they have been going round sensitizing the community on the importance of education and especially the technical skilled.

“We also hold seminars where we sensitize students on career guidance and the advantage of joining the college. Many people are not aware of the existence of this college and are more than willing to join it once they are informed. 

“In a nutshell, we need team work with all stakeholders including politicians and the church to continue expanding the institution.

We are proud of our institution and we hope it grows into a national college in future,” said Ncebere.

The Principal said their students are entitled for bursaries from the government in form of capitation where each student gets Sh30, 000 while HELB is giving each student about Sh40, 000 which is enough to pay the entire fees amounting to Sh56, 000 annually.

He said they are admitting even the class eight leavers to do courses like welding, mechanics and plumbing among others in the institution.

“We are the only operational technical institution in Igembe region. I urge all leaders to cooperate with us to ensure the institution gets more students. We also request the government to give us more instructors.” said the Principal.

The institution has 15 trainers with four of them being employed by the Board of Management.

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