Govt trains teachers on saving for retirement


Bothered by reports of public servants wasting away their lives after retirement, the Government has decided to take a deliberate effort to rescue employees exiting service.

Public Service Superannuation Scheme (PSSS) through Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has therefore organized a sensitization programme for teachers on the saving scheme during this school holiday.

This is revealed in a circular dated April 20, 2023 signed by the Commission’s Director in charge of Human Resource Management and Development (HRM & D) Dr. Julius Olayo, on behalf of the TSC Secretary and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia, addressed to all Regional and County Directors.

The sensitization programme will basically target teachers who have turned 45 years of age as at 2021 and those employed thereafter who are members of the scheme which will commence from April 24, 2023 and will end on May 5, 2023.

All TSC Regional and County Directors have now been instructed to identify the venues in a central place where sensitization will be conducted and further mobilize the said teachers through the Sub-County Directors and Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs); and further ensure that every zone sends five primary and five secondary school teachers.

They have further been instructed to ensure that all the County and Sub-County Human Resource Officers also attend the sensitization programme.

The scheme which became operational on January 1, 2021 was established mainly to provide retirement benefits to civil servants, teachers and disciplined service personnel; and is managed by Board of Trustees with support of a full time secretariat and Service Providers.


TSC members and other PSSS Members Sensitization Programme (For Teachers)

1 Busia Busia 24/04/2023
Samia 25/04/2023
2 Bungoma Bungoma South 26/04/2023
Kimilili 27/04/2023
Mt. Elgon, Cheptais, Kopsiro, Kimaeti 28/04/2023
3 Kakamega Kakamega Central 02/04/2023
Matungu 03/05/2023
4 Vihiga Vihiga 04/05/2023
Emuhaya, Hamisi 05/05/2023
5 Trans Nzoia Kwanza 24/04/2023
Kiminini 25/04/2023
6 Uasin Gishu Wareng 27/04/2023
7 Elgeyo Marakwet Keiyo South 28/04/2023
Keiyo North 02/05/2023
8 Nandi Nandi South 03/05/2023
Tinderet 04/05/2023
Nandi North 05/05/2023
9 Migori Rongo 24/04/2023
Kuria East 25/04/2023
10 Kisii Gucha 26/04/2023
Nyamache 27/04/2023
11 Nyamira Nyamira North 28/04/2023
Masaba North 02/05/2023
12 Bomet Bomet East 03/05/2023
13 Narok Narok South 04/05/2023
Transmara West and East 02/05/2023
14 Laikipia Nyahururu 24/04/2023
Laikipia West and North 25/04/2023
15 Meru Tigania West 26/04/2023
Buuri East and West 27/04/2023
Tigania and Igembe Central, Imenti North and South 28/04/2023
16 Tharaka Nithi Meru South 02/05/2023
Tharaka North and South 03/05/2023
17 Embu Embu West 04/05/2023
Mbeere North and South 05/05/2023
18 Kitui Mwingi Central 24/04/2023
Kitui Central 25/04/2023
Mutomo 26/04/2023
19 Machakos Machakos 27/04/2023
Mwala, Masinga, Yatta 28/04/2023
20 Makueni Kathonzweni, Makueni 02/05/2023
Makindu, Mbooni West and East, Nzani, Kilungu, Mukaa 03/05/2023
21 Kajiado Kajiado Central 04/05/2023
Mashuruu, Loitokitok, Kajiado West 05/05/2023
22 Kilifi Kilifi 24/04/2023
Rabai 25/04/2023
Ganze, Malindi 26/04/2023
23 Mombasa Mvita 27/04/2023
Kisauni, Changamwe 28/04/2023
24 Kwale Matuga 02/05/2023
Lungalunga, Msambweni 03/05/2023
25 Taita Taveta Voi 04/05/2023
Taveta 05/05/2023
26 Kericho Kericho 24/04/2023
Londiani, Soin/Sigowet 25/04/2023
27 Baringo Baringo Central 26/04/2023
Mogotio, Koibatek 27/04/2023
28 Nakuru Molo 28/04/2023
Nakuru, Nakury North, Subukia 02/05/2023
Gilgil 03/05/2023
29 Nyandarua Kipipiri 04/05/2023
Nyandarua West and South 05/05/2023
30 Kiambu Githunguri 24/04/2023
Limuru, Kikuyu, Kabete, Lari 25/04/2023
Gatundu South 26/04/2023
31 Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central 27/04/2023
Mwea East 28/04/2023
32 Murang’a Kangema 02/05/2023
Kandara, Kigumo, Murang’a South 03/05/2023
33 Nyeri Tetu 04/05/2023
Nyeri Central, Kieni, Mathira West 05/05/2023
34 Siaya Ugunja 24/04/2023
Bondo, Rarieda 25/04/2023
Siaya, Gem 26/04/2023
35 Kisumu Kisumu Central 27/04/2023
Seme, Nyakach 28/04/2023
Muhoroni, Nyando 02/05/2023
36 Homa Bay Homa Bay, Ndhiwa, Rangwe 03/05/2023
Rachuonyo East 04/05/2023
Mbita, Suba 05/05/2023
37 Lamu Lamu West 24/04/2023
38 Tana River Tana-River 26/04/2023
Tana North 28/04/2023
39 Garissa Garissa 02/05/2023
Fafi, Ijara, Lagdera 03/05/2023
Hulugho 04/05/2023
Dadaab 05/05/2023
40 Mandera Mandera East (Mandera Town) 24/04/2023
Mandera North 25/04/2023
Mandera Central, Banisa 26/04/2023
41 Wajir Wajir East and South , Habaswein, Eldas 27/04/2023
42 Turkana Turkana West, Central 02/05/2023
Turkana East, Southand North, Kibish, Loima 03/05/2023
43 West Pokot Central Pokot, North Pokot 04/05/2023
West/South Pokot 05/05/2023
44 Samburu Samburu East 24/04/2023
Samburu North 25/04/2023
45 Isiolo Merti 27/04/2023
46 Marsabit Marsabit Central 02/05/2023
Moyale, North Horr 03/05/2023
Sololo, Loiyangalani 04/05/2023
Laisamis 05/05/2023

By Education News reporter

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