Governor gifts varsity scholarship to needy girl

ECDE teachers

By Enock Okong’o 

Jane Nyomenda Ndemo, a needy student has received Ksh.105,000 from Kisii County Governor Simba Arati to continue her university studies.

The 19-year-old Form Four leaver got the scholarship from the Governor after trying her best to seek for assistance from the former regime but always fell short.

Ms. Ndemo sat for her KCSE examination at Samolel Secondary School in Kericho County and scored grade C+ qualifying her to be admitted at Tom Mboya University in the Faculty of Education.

Unfortunately, her parents were unable to afford the Ksh.58,000 required in the first semester.

It was at that point that she travelled for 32 kilometers daily from her home in Kegogi Village of Marani Sub County to seek help from the governor’s office in Kisii town.

“My legs developed sores but I did not despair,” she said.

Her fortune changed recently when Simba Arati’s representative came to their home and told them of his intention of helping the girl continue with her studies.

A sum of Ksh.85,000 was paid to clear up her school fees and Ksh.20,000 given to cater for her shopping expenses.

Governor Arati said that he learnt about the girl’s plight after her story was featured at a vernacular radio station.

“I sent my representative to her home to give her the support she needed,” he said.

The Governor said that the funds came from his personal initiative, the Simba Education Fund.

He revealed that he started the kitty in 2018 to assist bright but needy students from the region to continue with their studies.

“This education fund is a pool of financial resources from self and well-wishers committed to benefit students who encounter problems in pursuit of their education,” said the Governor.

He revealed that the kitty’s other objective was to construct decent houses for poor widows and single mothers in the County.

He encouraged the Ms. Ndemo to work hard in college and succeed and uplift her family.

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