Four-year-old twins die in Nairobi fire incident

girl mentally Form stabbed death

By Obegi Malack

A family in Nairobi is mourning the death of two school children who died in a fire incident in Sunton area of Kasarani, Nairobi County on Thursday, December 15.

The deceased – a boy and a girl – had been left in a one-roomed house by their mother who went out for shopping when tragedy struck.

According to Nairobi Police Commander Adamson Bungei, the children’s mother left the house at 11:00 PM to do shopping and left them with a lit candle which they suspect fell on bed sheets which aggravated the situation and spread the fire.

Eyewitnesses said that as soon as they noticed the fire, they moved with speed and managed to restrain it from spreading to adjacent buildings although it had already killed the children.

The bodies were taken to the mortuary and the Police have launched investigations into the incident.

Incidences of fire have been on the rise in the city this festive season and parents have been warned to ensure their children are not left unattended.

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