Former street boy appeals for help to join Form One

 By Obegi Malack              

A former street boy who scored 368 marks in the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) is seeking scholarship from leaders, well-wishers and the government to join form one.

Ibrahim Muchai was rescued from the streets in 2016 and taken to Global Hope Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Ngong, a centre that houses street children.

The Centre Founder and Manager Joseph Njoroge said the boy was rescued by an officer from Ngong Children Department who took him to his house for few days and later admitted him at the Centre.

“He joined class four in Ngong Township Primary and later joined Vine Garden Academy in Ngong where he sat for his KCPE exams on full scholarship,” he said.

The boy was among 13 boys from the centre that sat for 2020, KCPE.

Njoroge said the boy’s past did not deter his future and he is hoping to become a neurosurgeon.

Nyandarua High school is his school of choice.

The centre has rescued a number of boys, some are now in university, and the first student sat for KCPE in 2014 while four sat for KCSE this year.

The director said the number of children enrolled in the centre increased during Covid-19 period, this is because they were forced out of the streets by security officers with fear of being infected with Covid-19 disease.

The centre had 122 boys in March 2020 but the number increased to 136 by the end of 2020.

The national government’s 100 per cent transition policy is yet to be effected since many students drop out of schools after sitting for KCPE.

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