Enhance management programs to raise education standards, school heads asked


School Heads in South Kinagop, Nyandarua County have been urged to enhance school management programs in order to raise standards of education in their respective schools.

South Kinangop Member of Parliament Zachary Kwenya has said principals should apply all strategies leading to students performing better in academics.

He said schools which perform well academically attracted various organisations which are willing to assist it in various ways.

The MP added that even the Ministry of Education officials and TSC officials are very concerned and willing to support schools which record good results.

He told teachers to continue performing their duties diligently to ensure students achieve their dreams by attaining good results.

The MP was speaking in Heni Secondary School, during the Prize giving day.

“As long as a school is performing well, it will always attract support from different quarters. It is your duty to initiate various strategies that will enable students to produce good results in their examinations”, said Kwenya.

The MP committed to supporting education in all the institutions to ensure high education standards in the constituency.

He said a majority of students in his constituency have received bursary funds to cushion needy students in terms of school fees.

The MP Pledged to also cooperate with the school Board of Management to put up various infrastructure like libraries, laboratories and classrooms to provide a conducive environment for students and teachers.

“I also encourage all students to work hard and produce good results that will make both their parents and teachers proud.” said the MP.

Others who attended the event were the South Kinangop Sub-county Director of Education, South Kinagop Sub-county TSC Director, and KESSHA Officials among other guests.

By Peter Otuoro

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