Education players endorse Bill to create TVET colleges in each County

TVET Principal Secretary Esther Muoria and education stakeholders before National Assembly Education Committee

Education stakeholders have endorsed the County Vocational Education and Training Bill (Senate Bill No. 3 of 2022), which aims to establish Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in all 47 counties.

Appearing before the National Assembly Education Committee, these stakeholders emphasized that the bill promotes equity across the nation.

Committee chair Julius Melly of Tinderet highlighted the pivotal role the TVET sector plays in the country’s industrialization and the broader continental context.

Stressing the need for efficiency in training, he asserted the government’s commitment to advancing the sector.

Among the proponents of the bill were TVET Principal Secretary Esther Muoria and Dr. Erick Mutai, Chairperson of the Council of Governors Education Committee.

Muoria underscored the bill’s alignment with Vision 2030, Kenya’s Economic Blueprint, and the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

She emphasized the necessity of harmonizing the management of the training sector under a single law, a goal the proposed bill aims to achieve.

Kericho Governor Dr. Mutai highlighted the crucial role of vocational training in addressing youth unemployment and fostering economic development within counties.

He commended the bill as a significant step toward establishing a comprehensive legislative framework for vocational training.

During the committee session, presentations were made by Dr. Kipkirui Langat, the Director General of TVET Authority, as well as representatives from the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) and the Association of Vocational Trainers in Kenya.

By Obegi Malack

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