Bomet ECDE teachers deny they have been paid 18-month arrears as claimed by colleagues

Bomet KNUT Executive Secretary Desmond Lang'at addresses the press in the past over ECDE teachers demands. He has threatened to mobilize the ECDE teachers to go on strike because of an 18-month salary standoff.

A section of ECDE teachers in Bomet have distanced themselves from their colleagues who claim they have received their 18 months’ salaries from the county.

The 127 teachers drawn from various ECDEs across the county termed the claims as misleading as no money has been wired to their accounts.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Branch Executive Secretary Desmond Lang’at waded into the matter, claiming teachers who recently said they had been paid had been bribed to say so.

“Recently, some teachers claimed they had been paid their salaries. The heart of the matter is that ECDE teachers are suffering a lot. It’s even shocking that teachers were bribed to address the press,” he noted.

ECDE pupils in class in Bomet. Some teachers have come out to refute claims they have been paid their 18-month salary arrears.

Addressing the press, he castigated the county education executive and other officials for neglecting the teachers, expressing dissatisfaction over the non-remittance of the teachers NSSF contributions by their employer, a trend he termed as illegal.

Lang’at now wants the teachers’ plight urgently addressed, failure to which he has threatened to mobilize them into downing their tools.

Some teachers, while addressing the press two days ago, claimed to have received 18 months salaries, praising the county government for their faith and equipping ECDE centres across the county.

By Kimutai Lang’at

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