Student conned by stranger in Machakos as schools open

By Eugene Kioko

A form two student was left stranded in Machakos town when a stranger he met disappeared with his bag containing money and other items.

The boy from Kibwezi who was on his way to Mumbuni High school had travelled to Machakos on Wednesday to purchase some items in readiness to for first term classes.

He had finished shopping at Naivas Supermarket when a stranger asked that he accompanies him to a bank where he would pay fees and give him a receipt to deliver to his son who purportedly was his school mate at Mumbuni.

The stranger convinced the boy to keep his belongings safe at a hotel as they walked to the bank and later asked the student to wait for him pick something at a nearby shop.

The innocent boy waited as the conman rushed back to the hotel asked for the bag from a waiter and vanished with the money and the shopping.

After waiting for a while the student received a rude shock when he returned to the hotel to be told that the bag was collected by his companion.

“We thought they were related because the man said he was taking the bag to the boy,” said a waitress.
After explaining how he met the stranger, the boy started crying, before a customer at the hotel took up the matter and helped him record a statement with the police.
He also contacted of his parents and informed them the incident.

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