TSC set to have new commissioners

By Amoto Ndiewo

President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to constitute a section panel to recruit new TSC commissioners after the six year of two expired on 6th August 2019. The exit of two has created a three slot vacancy at the Commission.

Saadia Abdi Kontama and Dr Salome Gichura whose nonrenewable six year terms ended have been at the TSC since2013. The third slot was created last April, when the former Vice Chair Cleopas Tirop retired.

Appointment qualification is a degree from a university recognized in Kenya and having knowledge and experience of at least a decade in education, government management and law related matters.

The commissioners are in charge of appointing and appraising school head or confirming those in acting capacities. They also approve budget and formulate policies amongst other duties.

The exit of the three commissioners leaves the TSC with six commissioners who were appointed in 2015. The appointment was done after a year of drama that in a rare show saw several names rejected by the National Assembly.

The acrimonious exercise also saw cases pile in court as those who missed out on the lucrative slots   deals sought litigation.

Currently, the Commision is chaired by Dr Lydia Nzomo. Dr Githura chairs the Human Resource Committee at the Commission. Other commissioners are: KinotiI Manyara, Mbaraka Twahir , Albert Ekirapa, Beatrice Adu and Tache Gollo  .

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