Schools receive Sh27m for bursaries

By Dennis Bett

Bright but needy students in Elgeyo Marakwet County recently received a major boost when the County Government disbersed bursaries to schools.
The county disbursed Sh27 million bursaries to ensure that needy students access education in the county like other students.
The bursaries target over 500 beneficiaries across all the 20 wards in the county, identified by Ward Development Committee.
Deputy Governor Wisely Rotich with Education CEC Edwin Kisang presided over the disbursement of cheques to some representatives of secondary school principals drawn from schools in the county led by their chairperson Rose Koech, the Principal Sing’ore Girls’ secondary.
The deputy Governor said that the funds will go to the beneficiaries in universities, tertiary institutions and secondary schools.
“As a County Government, we know that the only way that we can transform our county is by investing in education of our children and we shall continue scaling up the bursary allocation in the years to come, “said the Deputy Governor.
Kisang challenged youth in the county to utilise opportunities available in vocational training institutes in the region.
“The capacities of our vocational training institutes are not fully utilised. We have an enrollment of 1,547 out of a capacity of 3, 000”, said Kisang.

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