Review recruitment of new teachers, TSC told

By Johnston Keti

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been requested to review its employment criteria on the upcoming recruitment of new teachers.
Samburu West Member of Parliament Naisula Lesuuda said that some of the guidelines set by TSC will lock out many residents of Samburu County from employment since they will not meet the set standards.
“The one that affects our people most is that a candidate will score 60 per cent if he or she has stayed out of employment for four years after finishing university. I believe many will be locked out since majority have just graduated,” she said.
As leaders, the legislator said that they will be seeking an appointment with TSC Chief Executive Office Nancy Macharia to request her to waive some guidelines that they feel will not give Samburus a fair playing field.
At the same time, Lesuuda noted that many day schools in the county are in dire need of teachers saying that students are not free to choose subjects of their choice therefore affecting their future careers.
“Some day schools have only one teacher employed by TSC and that is the Principal, that is why we need many teachers from Samburu employed to fill these gaps,” she said after disbursing Sh24 million in bursary.
Suguta Marmar MCA Japheth Lesoipa said that he will table a bill in the county assembly that will enable bursary committees to sit at the ward level to avoid duplication and so that only needy students can benefit.
“Apart from the CDF bursary, other NGOs also offer bursaries for needy children and when the committee sits at village level they will be able to identify previous beneficiaries and avoid double allotment,” he said.

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