Brilliant Form 2 girl seeks financial aid to pay term 3 fees

St. Catherine Chakol Girls student Anziela Asoka with her grandfather. Photo Godfrey Wamalwa

A family in Teso South sub-county is calling on well-wishers to provide financial assistance to help their daughter, who has been unable to report for third term due to lack of school fees, go back to school.

Anziela Asoka, a Form 2 student at St. Monica Chakol Girls High School, said that her vulnerable grandparents whom she stays with, have been unable to afford her fees.

“I am appealing to well-wishers to intervene and pay my school fees,” she said, adding that she aims to become a doctor in the future.

In term two, Anziela scored a mean grade of B plain, taking position five out of 336 students who sat for the exams.

Her grandfather, Daniel Asoka, said that it is now three weeks since schools reopened but her granddaughter is still at home due to the financial challenge.

“I have tried to exploit all avenues of raising fees to have her return to school but in vain,” Mzee Asoka said. “My granddaughter has a very promising future having scored a B plain in the previous exam. I am also appealing to the area MP Mary Emaase and the county government of Busia to assist my granddaughter to return to school.”

By Godfrey Wamalwa

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