How to build strong families

Doris Foxworth Odito

A strong family is what we all aspire to have as a life goal. The nuclear family is still the most prevalent family unit to date. The United Nation’s definition of family according to international law and policy is “the natural and fundamental group/unit of society”. As well as family is those members of the household who are related to a specific degree, through blood, adoption or marriage.

There is no uniform and universally acceptable definition of the family as a sociologically anthropological concept, partly because of differences in the structure and function of a family organization in various parts of the world and partly because of the many different approaches and schools of thought among sociologist, anthropologist and social psychologist, among others. For clarification, it is not the intention of the writer to make this definition too technical. However, because the family unit is still evolving and increasing, it is important to know that these definitions are inclusive of all families defined by social scientist.

A very important factor to consider when discussing strong families, is that there are as many family units/structures as there are “families”. As the structure of a family has continued to evolve, anthropologist and sociologist have created broader categories of family structures to help them be simple to identify based on common characteristics. Depending on the reference sources, there are at least six types of well recognized families. They are: nuclear, single parent, grandparent family, extended family, childless family and stepfamily, other sources includes foster family, same sex couples and childfree families. Among other variations, traditions, cultures and social norms all have one thing in common, the “title” family.

After establishing what defines and constitutes a family, my purpose now is focused on how to make your family unit strong.

Family is still considered to be the foundation of a structured and cohesive life for most people. The nuclear is still considered to be the core family unit as well as the tight knit unity within the extended family. It consists of two parents and children. It is up-to-date and considered the ideal family and societal model for raising children.


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In spite of the myriad of family problems we face in Kenya as a nation; according to social scientist from Kenya, the Kenyan family as an institution is resilient and strong, and responds to contemporary challenges facing the family positively and effectively. There are so many factors that contribute to family strength and cohesiveness in Kenya. Top among the list of traits are promotion of family values, strong communication and inclusivity.

Whether we are from a nuclear family, Hindu, African, traditional, or step family, the world we live in today is threatening to collapse the family as a strong unit as we know it. We really need to encourage each other in love on how to build stronger families. Because of rapid population trends changing periodically, the unity, values and standards that we hold so dear as families, are far from perfect; but, they are still the pillars of strength that keeps us together as families. Each one of us, as a family member, in our own hearts, we cry out for families to be strong and protected, in spite of the daily threats and storms of life that we face.

In Psalms 46:1, King David prayed “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.“ Our families are in the mist of overwhelming troubles and challenges in the future. As we stand for our families and not give into defeat and despair, but be encouraged to fight the good fight of faith to keep our families strong. Let us remember the words from Christ, who said “In this world you have suffering. But take courage! I have conquered the world”. John 16:33

May be you are facing tons of trials, difficulties and conflicts in your marriage and family at this moment. It is truly a crisis that is overwhelming. Take heart, the solution is putting God into the picture. He wants to equip you to continue to stand for your family. As a strong family we all need a place of refuge, a place that we can call home.

A place where we can retreat when we feel confused, threatened or insecure. Home is still the place God has given us as a “shelter” in times of storms.

Practices that build strong families:

  1. Families that pray together, stay
  2. Deal with conflicts through open
  3. Seek God’s counsel for your
  4. Drink a strong cup of forgiveness to build a strong
  5. Put your trust in God to make and keep your family
  6. Wait on God to help your
  7. Be patient with your


By Doris Foxworth Odito

She can be reached at 0722-617404

The writer is a professional counselling psychologist, certified health educator and missionary. She holds talks in schools and churches

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