More updates come up on transfer of principals in Nyanza

More updates have come up concerning the transfers of principals in the Nyanza region, which we earlier posted, and they are meant to replace retiring principals and to promote a number of deputies.

Sources have confided that it is also aimed at filling vacancies in schools without heads.

Nevertheless, some newly promoted Deputy Principals have also been given new stations, while others are aimed at reversing the now abolished policy of delocalization that saw several teachers moved away from their homes.

Kisumu Boys’ Principal  Duncan Owiyo has been moved to pave way for the incoming new head Okello Austine Muma from Ringa Boys in Homa Bay County.

Owiyo has been moved to Sirembe Secondary School in Siaya. He takes over from Maurice Okal, who has moved to Ringa after previously serving at Oriwo Boys High School in Homa Bay County.

Boro Mixed Principal Opanga Jared will replace Nyabondo Boys head Jura Gabriel Onyango, who is retiring.

Sewe Catherine Akinyi returns home from Bungoma and will now take over from Jumah Bernadette Nanjala at St. Alloys Reru Secondary School in Seme Sub-county.

Below is a further list of the transfers:

Kisumu Boys in Kisumu Central: Owiye Duncan Otieno is replaced by Okello Austine Muma from Ringa Boys in Homa Bay County.

Nyabondo Boys in Nyakach: Jura Gabriel Onyango is replaced by Opanga Jared Ochieng (Boro Mixed, Siaya).

St. Alloys Reru in Seme: Jumah Bernadette Nanjala is replaced by Sewe Catherine Akinyi (Bungoma).

St. Albert Ranjira Mixed in Kadibo Aswani Peter Wafula is replaced by Ochieng Willis John (Got Agulu, Siaya).

Ranjira Mixed in Kisumu West: Okiro Solomon Kokiro is replaced by Apiyo Luke Agumba (Mariwa Secondary, Kisii).

Ken Obura Secondary School in Kisumu Central: Oruko Mary Adhiambo is replaced by Nyikal Roselyne Muga (St. Stephens Eshiyanza, Kakamega).

Ngeny Secondary School in Muhoroni: Mbati Dalmas is replaced by Okutu George Gerald (Namberekeya, Kakamega).

Nyando Mixed in Muhoroni: Namugumba Wanjala is replaced by Obonyo Aloice Ochieng (Engoto PAG, Kisii).

Diemo Secondary in Seme: Lucy Achieng is replaced by Ondiek Judit Atieno (Chepkochun Secondary, Bomet).

Kanyagwal Mixed in Kadibo: Deputy Principal is replaced by Arocho Alex Omondi (Nyambare Mixed Homabay).

Maliera Secondary in Kisumu West: Sikuku Situma Wafula is replaced by Kienga Jane Odongo.

Eluhobe Secondary in Kisumu West: Ofuo David Odhiambo is replaced by Aoro Judith Susan (St. Paul’s Igara, Busia).

Pawtenge Secondary in Nyakach: Deputy Principal is replaced by Christine Juma Omboto (Ngenyi, Kisii).

Kanyang’oro Mixed in Nyando: Tom S. Mboya is replaced by the school’s Deputy Principal.

Sugar Research in Muhoroni: Damaris Abiero is replaced by Tom S. Mboya (Kanyang’oro).

Padre Pio Masogo in Muhoroni: Deputy Principal is replaced by Damaris Abiero (Sugar Research).

Apondo Kasaye Secondary in Nyakach: Deputy Principal is replaced by Ochieng Jared Otema (Kiadiege Secondary, Homabay).

By Fredrick Odiero

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