Educationist with a passion for giving back to the community

Dr. Peter Munene, Central Region Deputy Director of Education.

Central Region Deputy Director of Education Dr. Peter Munene is a man with a big and golden heart.

Having experienced first-hand the devastating effects of poverty and the power of good will from well-wishers, the director understands well the importance of giving back to the society.

In his hometown in Mwea, he is involved in several charity projects, amongst them sponsoring the education of bright but needy students.

He has also mobilized residents to put up a home for a less fortunate grandmother in his home village.

Speaking to Education News in an exclusive interview, Dr Munene said his life has been full of challenges which he managed to overcome as a result of resilience and the resolve never to give up.

After topping his class at Karaba Primary School and securing an admission chance at Siakago Boys High School, he almost missed joining school due to lack of school fees.

“My parents were peasant small scale farmers hence we had to struggle to make it through life,” he narrated, adding further that lady luck smiled at him when he secured a scholarship from the Starehe Boys Center to advance his education.

‘Starehe Boys Center and School had a scholarship scheme which supported bright and needy students,” he says, adding that he was excited at another shot in life to change his humble background.

He states that he realized he didn’t have an option other than to work hard.

He managed to score C plain after sitting his form four examinations.

“Those I used to beat managed to outclass me in the final examination,” he said in a somber mood, adding that through prayers and dedication, he vowed not to be deterred by small failures in life.

Between 1991-1993, he trained at Igoji Teachers Training College before working as a P1 teacher in various schools across Central and Eastern regions.

He later studied at the Kenya Institute of Special Education where he secured a diploma in Special Needs, with a special focus on hearing impairment.

Still hungry for education, Dr Munene enrolled for a bachelor’s degree in Education and Special Needs and Counseling at the Kenya Methodist University.

He got his Master’s degree and doctorate in Education Philosophy and Management at the same institution.

In Kitui and Kirinyaga counties, he has been a Special Needs teacher dealing with learners with hearing impairment and the mentally challenged.

He has also worked as a deputy head teacher in regular schools and as a national examiner in Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) in Kiswahili paper 2.

Some of the charitable projects being spearheaded by Dr. Peter Munene in his village in Mwea.

The seasoned educationist has served as the sub county Director of Education in both Meru Central and Tigania West. He has also worked as the Chief Education Officer at Nyeri Central Municipality.

Dr Munene has also been the EARC coordinator in special needs in Mwea East sub-county and the EARC assessor in Kirinyaga County.

He has also served as Kisumu County Director of Education and is currently working on his second masters.

He attributes all he has achieved professionally and personally to the encouragement he has received from his spouse, friends and family members alike.

In his free time, he loves reading different types of literature. He has excellent written and oral skills in English, Kiswahili and Sign Language.

He is a staunch Christian who believes in integrating theoretical, professional and practical knowledge and skills in all fields with zealous results of achievement of objectives.

He also believes in setting goals and visions.

Given his position, he said he must influence other people in a positive and open manner.

By Fredrick Odiero

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