Heel4Pads Foundation provides pads to girls and young mothers in Nyeri

Training on Menstrual Hygiene

The heel4pads foundation has given over 2000 vulnerable girls reusable sanitary pads and puberty education to combat stigmatization and period shame among girls and young mothers from Majengo slums, Nyeri County.

According to Mental health curriculum trainer Angela Waweru, these pads can be used for up to two years, enabling adolescent girls to stay in school and live with dignity.

Additionally, the foundation donated kits containing menstrual reusable pads, soap, panties, and menstrual awareness booklets to prevent infections among girls who resort to using inadequate materials during their periods.

According to the 2022 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS), 5 percent of teen pregnancies in the region have been attributed to girls being compelled to engage in sexual relationships with boda boda riders in exchange for menstrual pads.

Young girls and mothers receiving pads

Jane Wanjiku, a mother of three from Majengo slums, vividly remembers her first period at the age of nine when she believed she was ill and approached her teacher for permission to leave school early who fortunately explained the situation and provided her with a pair of pads.

However, Jane’s mother couldn’t afford these essentials, driving her to borrow money from a neighbor but fell victim to sexual exploitation in return for financial support, leading to an unwanted pregnancy.

Maureen Wairimu, a mother of one, faced a similar fate, being forced into early marriage with a boda boda rider at the age of 12 due to a lack of menstrual supplies and proper education about menstrual hygiene.

Both Jane and Maureen emphasized the challenges of being young mothers, particularly when coming from impoverished backgrounds.

By Macharia Kiarie

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