Governor Nyong’o launches business idea competition for Kisumu youth

Kisumu Governor Anyang' Nyong'o at a past function

The County Government of Kisumu has launched a business idea competition dubbed ‘Plug Mtaani – Vijana 2Invest’ to identify, nurture and sustain the talents of young entrepreneurs.

The initiative, a product of the county government in partnership with Kenya Investment Authority, Radico Kenya, Institute of Certified Start and Improve your Business (SIYB) trainers and Cresent 360, aims at generating feasible and innovative business ideas in addition to training on how to develop bankable business plans.

Speaking during the launch of the project at the Jomo Kenyatta Sportsground, Governor Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o said that the initiative will also identify, nurture and sustain the talents of young entrepreneurs to be productive and competitive enough to create sustainable new jobs by providing them with soft skills and business plan development.

He added that the initiative will also link the youth to financing opportunities, grants, and investors and create a saving and investment culture.

The Governor noted that the initiative will host 200 participants between the ages of 18 and 35, and urged area youth to take advantage of the opportunity to develop their skills and talents.

“The programme will award the best business case with Ksh10 million as starting capital with first and second runners-up getting Ksh5 million and Ksh2 million respectively at the national level,” he said.

At the County level, the winner will be awarded Ksh50,000 with first and second runners-up getting Ksh40,000 and Ksh30,000 respectively.

Additionally, Prof. Nyong’o said that all the 41 qualifiers from the Sub Counties will each be awarded Ksh20,000.

The Governor revealed that last year, the County launched the Kisumu County Youth in Agribusiness Strategy (2022-2027) with the potential to raise 500 youth entrepreneurs as well as train 10,000 with meaningful employable skills at the end of the Strategy period.

By Fredrick Odiero  

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