MP seeks parliamentary intervention for teachers promoted without payrise

Teachers Salary increment
Mwingi west MP Charles Nguna in a past event. /Photo Lydia Ngoolo

Mwingi West Member of Parliament Charles Nguna has urged the National Assembly to come to the rescue of teachers deployed as head teachers without any salary increment.

While speaking in Parliament on Tuesday, Nguna said before the July 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), about 1,000 classroom teachers were promoted but after a successful competitive interview for senior graduate teachers, up to now they haven’t received any form of salary increment.

“Some of these teachers were deployed to become head teachers from 2018 while others remained as senior teachers,” he stated.

Nguna said their salaries and allowances did not change as per the requirement of the July 2017 CBA as despite their deployment as head teachers they remain in the same Job Group.

“Their counterparts who went through the same interview and became head teachers before the July 2017 CBA are now in Job Group D1 and earning higher salaries and allowances,” he said.

He added that the two categories of teachers have the same qualifications and are in the same Job Group, performing the same roles and facing the same challenges yet they earn different salaries and allowances which is a violation of Section 5(1) of the Labour Relations Act, 2007.

“Due to the aforementioned concerns, the teachers feel discriminated against and demoralised even as they continue to undertake their duties,” he added.

Nguna asked the House to engage the teachers’ employer the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to review the salaries and allowances of the concerned teachers and place them on par with their colleagues since after numerous attempts to resolve the issue failed to bore any success.

Speaker Moses Wetang’ula referred the matter to the Public Petitions Committee.

By Vostine Ratemo

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