Human rights lobby seeks introduction of gender-neutral facilities in schools


The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) has proposed a new bill that if passed, schools will be required to have gender-neutral uniforms, washrooms and dormitories.

The Intersex Persons Bill of 2023 will also force schools to allow intersex individuals take any course or study based on their status.

“The Cabinet Secretary for Education shall make sure that the intersex learners are able to attend learning institutions regularly and participate fully in educational activities. This includes making sure all forms of registration and records allow the recognition of the intersex learner’s gender without requiring the gender of the learner on their birth certificate or identity documents,” reads part of the Bill.

The Bill also mandates the Cabinet Secretary to make sure that education institutions take into account the needs of intersex people when making entry requirements, pass marks and programme exams in order to create a supportive and inclusive environment for intersex learners.

Students will be able to choose learning and sporting activities in accordance with their self-recognized sex.

This will ensure equal education opportunities for intersex individuals, promoting inclusivity and diversity in the learning environment. It will also allow intersex learners engage in sporting activities without facing discrimination.

Human Right activists have been advocating for the recognition and protection of intersex persons’ rights in Kenya.

They argue that being intersex is not an abnormality but rather a valid expression of the diversity of human biology.

By Thuita Jaswant

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