Machakos teacher hangs self over debt

School girl dies after being denied treatment

A 50-year old teacher has committed suicide by hanging himself in Kivani, Yatta sub-county of Machakos county.

The incident was confirmed by area assistant chief Nelson Mwilu who noted that the teacher was battling depression due to a debt.

Apparently, the teacher at Kinyaata primary school had been loaned money by a Shylock which was proving hard to pay.

Mwilu disclosed that the body of the teacher was discovered dangling from a tree in a bush near his house.

“His body was found hanging from a tree in a thicket, we came to realize that he took his life because of debts,” he said.

Following the incident, the chief urged locals to talk about issues disturbing them before resorting to take their lives.

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Let us all learn to talk over things with friends, relatives and even professionals to help us get through what we are going through,” noted the chief.

The body was picked by police and removed to Matuu mortuary.

 By Agnes Orang’o

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