Residents arrest school dropouts engaging in crime


The community policing groups from Kisii Central Sub County have been praised for their effort to bring sanity among the youths in the region. This came after the groups arrested seven school boys who were playing cards at Kegogi Market at the expense of their education.

Led by area community policing Chairman, Robert Muko, the community policing groups invaded one room where they found youth from different schools in Monyerero Ward playing the cards.

“They were crowded playing cards and taking some spirits and wines packed in small bottles,” said the chairman.

After grilling them, the suspects revealed that they have been stealing chicken, blankets and bananas which they sold at cheaper prices to get money for playing cards.

The suspects were taken to Nyanchwa Police Station to record statement and help the police to catch and arrest more about law breakers in the area.

Speaking at Nyamataro town, area Deputy County Commissioner, Elizabeth Atemi, said that order in society, especially among students is a collective responsibility.

“The police alone cannot bring order unless all of us stand up to help them with tips that may help them to apprehend suspected law breakers,” she said.

Area Chief, Mainga, briefed Education News that most of those suspects had dropped out of school although school their fees had been sent to those schools by the local NG-CDF offices.

He appealed to parents not to spare the rod as they may spoil the future of their children.

By Enock Okong’o

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