MP rescues girl who lacked school fees to join Form One


MP for Kitutu Chache North pays fees for school girl

MP Japheth Nyakundi has come into the rescue of one girl, Hellen Nyakundi, who had done her class Eight, scored 388 marks and never saw any hope of joining secondary school.

The girl comes from a poor family background and that it was her ailing grandmother who was trying to pay for her school fees and now she has nobody to depend on for her academic progress.

The allegedly murdered Rangenyo Girls principal was her only hope for she took her and started paying for her school fees till the untimely death caught up with her.

Her ailing grandmama could not raise a penny due to her poor financial situation and her condition.

The girl was frustrated and stressed due to the fact that her hope to pursue education in the secondary school of her choice and help her grandmother and her extended family atlarge was going to be in darkness.

The girl Hellen Nyakundi can afford a smile on her face courtesy of the kitutu chache north mp japheth nyakundi who came to her rescue and took her to her dream school loreto girls for admission.

The MP appreciated the efforts made by the girl to pass exams comparing the harsh conditions she was going through promising to cater for her learning expenses till she completes her form four at loreto girls school.

“I am really moved towards this young girl’s efforts and sacrifice to learn and as a leader i can’t sit down and watch her suffer”,said Japheth adding that investing in such cases in the society comes with blessings.

Meanwhile the legislator acknowledged the tremendous steps that have been made by his cdf committee on issuing bursary allocation in his constituency noting the positive difference that electorates have identified from the previous regime.

By Gilbert Kobi

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