Bursary funds are low, MP laments

By Tony Wafula

Kanduyi MP, John Makali, has decried the low allocation and the delay in the release of NG-CDF funds to Constituencies, saying that it has halted major developments in schools.

The MP says that NG-CDF needs to be released on time to spur educational developments in constituencies.

Speaking to Education news on Friday , Makali noted that he will start his constituency scholarship kitty purposely to sponsor bright but needy students’ access to education.

 The first time MP said that the NG-CDF funds release stalemate has affected developments in schools asking the national treasury to accredit the remaining amounts to the constituency accounts so that MP’s can re-allocate to learning institutions in their respective areas of jurisdiction.

He said that the NG-CDF funds are needed for land purchase in schools, purchase of school buses, payment of fees and other development projects.

“Out of the 165 million that we are expected to be given to run various errands in our schools, the national treasury instead gave us only 45 million,” he said, adding that 45 million cannot be enough to be shared in the schools in the constituency.

However, The Ford Kenya MP affirmed that after the scholarship formation he will partner with other organizations to ensure that education is valued in Kanduyi.

He said that in the last KCSE results that were released by education CS Ezekiel Machogu, Kanduyi produced top candidates both in Bungoma and nationally adding that he will heavily invest in education so that Kanduyi can continue leading in national exams.

“If we want to change how our society behaves and have hope with our young generation then education will help achieve everything,” he said.

He added that his NG-CDF will give all Constituency residents an equal opportunity to benefit.

Makali added that out of the 45 million, he has disbursed 38 million to both secondary, Universities and middle level colleges saying that every student in day schools will get Ksh.5, 0000, 10,000 in boarding schools and 12,000 in both University and middle level colleges.

Makali notes that he decided to launch bursaries in every ward purposely to give residents an opportunity to identify those who have been given the funds if they deserve or not.

He says that the lists of those who have been taken for the funds will be hanged both at NG-CDF offices, at the chiefs office and in schools to avoid duplication with that from the wards and county scholarship.

The MP called on parents not only to depend on scholarships and bursaries but also to try their small ways and raise funds for their children.

“If we all play our roles in supporting our school children then it will be easier to get excellent results rather than always eyeing NG-CDF and ward bursaries,” Makali noted.

On ODM’s leader mass action, Makali condemned Odinga’s move s terming them evil asking him to halt protests to pave way for President Ruto to work for Kenyans.

He argues that politics ended after the August polls saying that there are a lot that the Kenya Kwanza government promised and should deliver.

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