Family pleads with ministry to intervene over son’s missing results

By Agnes Orang’o

One family from Kyakatulu, Matungulu Sub County in Machakos is calling upon the Ministry of Education to intervene and ensure their son gets his KCPE results.

Bruno John Mwendwa sat his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education last year at St. Mary’s Primary School in Tala but is yet to receive his results and is currently planting trees at home instead of being in a secondary school.

Education news also learned that the school registered Bruno as a candidate living with a disability yet he is normal.

“I went to school to get my results but I was told to go back and return with my parent. When my mother came she was notified that my exam results did not come out in full because those of Kiswahili subject were missing,” said the boy.

“I was devastated because I was looking forward to joining secondary school and realizing my dreams of becoming a doctor one day. I hope I will get help and be able to join a high school like other kids,” he added.

A sign post of Matungulu Sub County Education offices.

His mother, Alice Mueni, said she went to the education offices to seek answers and later to the Kenya National Examination Council but her efforts have borne no fruits.

“I went to the school and was told my son did not get his results because the problem is with KNEC and told to go home and wait. I went to the education offices where I was notified that my son was registered as a disabled candidate who should have sat a sign language exam. I left and went to KNEC offices in Nairobi and was told to go home and wait for answers and up to today nothing has come forth,” said the frustrated mother.

“After waiting for long I went back to the school where they told me there was no way I could get help and should follow up with KNEC again. My son has been home yet his mates are in class studying, I’m confused and all I want is for my son to join school like the others,” she said with tears in her eyes.

She disclosed that her son’s results without the Kiswahili marks totaled to 177.

The education offices at Kisukioni told the press that they are aware of the matter and are following up for a solution.



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