Webuye hospital inks deal with teachers’ insurance provider

By Godfrey Wamalwa

Teachers in Webuye are a happy lot after Webuye County Hospital officially signed a contract to serve clients under AON Minet Medical Insurance Cover.

“We are happy to announce to our clients that the deal is sealed and our professional medics are ready to take them up for specialized attention,” said the facility’s medical superintendent, Dr. Simon Kisaka.

He noted that teachers will be the biggest beneficiaries of the service since they subscribe to the cover provided by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Dr. Kisaka said that teachers have been traveling to Bungoma to source for basic medical services that the facility offers affordably because the facility has only been admitting clients with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) and those paying in cash.

Webuye County Hospital has been ranked as the best public facility in the country and also won an award by Johnson and Johnson for emerging the best in maternity services.

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