Elders decry the high rate of teenage pregnancies

By Enock Okong’o 

Abagusii elders have decried the high rate of teenage pregnancies in Kenyenya sub county.

Addressing residents at Eberege sub location in Kisii county on Tuesday, the Chairman of Abagusii Council of Elders and Development Mr. Zachary Obure Kondo attributed the vice to exposure of the minors to unregulated use of the internet, especially social media.

He asked parents to be vigilant with the programmes their children watched on TV and what they listened to over the radio.

“Some parents leave their children to watch TVs and use mobile phones without assessing the negative  impact they will create to them.” he said.

The elder blamed young parents who took more time at their places of  work at the expense of parental contact with their children.

He called on them to be wary of their school girls’ safety and whereabouts at all times.

Obure further urged teachers and spiritual leaders to find more ways to provide guidance and counselling services.

“I urge teachers and church leaders to create youth friendly activities to distract the youth’s minds from self-destruction,” he said.

The retired head teacher also promised to establish a section in his office that will offer counselling services to the youth and guidance to parents.

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